
Statement of deviations or variations

General information about company

Scrip Code* 543829
Name of the listed entity Global Surfaces Limited


Mode of Fund Raising Public Issues
Description of mode of fund raising (Applicable in case of others is selected)
Date of Raising Funds 20-03-2023
Amount Raised (in Rs. Crores) 154.98
Report filed for Quarter ended 31-03-2023
Monitoring Agency Applicable
Monitoring Agency Name, if applicable CARE Ratings Limited
Is there a Deviation / Variation in use of funds raised No
If yes, whether the same is pursuant to change in terms of a contract or objects, which was approved by the shareholders
If Yes, Date of shareholder Approval
Explanation for the Deviation / Variation
Comments of the Audit Committee after review None
Comments of the auditors, if any None
Sr. Original Object Modified Object, if any Original Allocation Modified allocation, if any Funds Utilised Amount of Deviation/Variation for the quarter according to applicable object Remarks if any
1 Investment in Global Surfaces FZE for part-financing its capital expenditure requirements in relation to the setting up of the Proposed Facility Not Applicable 90 0 0 0
2 General corporate purposes Not Applicable 11.58 0 0 0

Signatory Details

Name of signatory Aseem Sehgal
Designation of person Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Place Jaipur
Date 29-05-2023

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