Shareholders Information

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

1 Notice of 33rd AGM
2 Proceedings of 33rd AGM
3 Scrutinizer’s Report and Voting Results for 33rd AGM
4 Transcript of 33rd AGM

Year 2023-24

1 Notice of 32nd AGM
2 Voting results of AGM 20.09.2023
3 Proceedings of AGM

Year 2022-23

1 Notice of 31st AGM

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

No Data available

Year 2023-24

1 Notice of 1st EOGM
2 Voting Results of EOGM 16.11.2023
3 Proceedings of EOGM 16.11.2023

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

1 Postal Ballot Notice_25.06.2024
2 Proceedings of Postal Ballot_25.07.2024
3 Postal Ballot_Scrutinizer’s Report_25.07.2024
Annual General Meetings

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

1 Notice of 33rd AGM
2 Proceedings of 33rd AGM
3 Scrutinizer’s Report and Voting Results for 33rd AGM
4 Transcript of 33rd AGM

Year 2023-24

1 Notice of 32nd AGM
2 Voting results of AGM 20.09.2023
3 Proceedings of AGM

Year 2022-23

1 Notice of 31st AGM
Extraordinary General Meetings

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

No Data available

Year 2023-24

1 Notice of 1st EOGM
2 Voting Results of EOGM 16.11.2023
3 Proceedings of EOGM 16.11.2023
Postal Ballot

Filter by year

Year 2024-25

1 Postal Ballot Notice_25.06.2024
2 Proceedings of Postal Ballot_25.07.2024
3 Postal Ballot_Scrutinizer’s Report_25.07.2024

Product Enquiry